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The Best of Jose's pates in a 4 pack gift box. 


Includes four of our favorites from Jose Gourmet: Spiced Mackerel Pâté, Spiced Sardine Pâté, Spiced Tuna Pâté, and Sardine Pâté. Makes a great gift for seafood lovers! Will replace with similar or of equal value when individual item is not available. 


About Jose Gourmet:

Jose Gourmet combs the coasts of Portugal and Spain to find seafood of distinction. The quality of their products is the raison d’être of their company. But this quality does not exist on its own. They believe in the principles of fair trade, often paying in advance and never negotiating for better pricing. The artwork of Luis Mendonça on the packaging is meant to pay homage to the these fishermen and canneries who rely on manpower and life long dedication to their trade.

Jose Gourmet Pack Pate Gift Box (75g x 4)
